Well, that\'s about it - all the modding has been done. It took me almost 6 months finishing my two babies, but in the end it was all worth it. I hope this mod can be an inspiration to all you modders out there, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them on the
forum. I suspect I will be around there very often - I\'ve really been bitten by the modding bug, and where else to go than bit-tech to satisfy my addiction?
I want to thank all the guys from bit-tech, especially Dave \"Macroman\"Williams for asking me to write up these articles. Of course, I can\'t forget all the bit-tech fans - people who gave me comments and ideas in the forum and all those who send me encouraging emails about my work - thanks guys!
But its not all finished yet... stay tuned for the last part \"The Final Gallery\" : I\'m taking my work to a professional photographic studio and shoot it myself in full 8.2 megapixel, 40Mb glory using my Nikon D100 - then I hope you can appreciate the real beauty of this project. Until then, I hope these shots will give you an idea of what to expect... :-)
I\'d like to end with a statement that always keeps me going.
\"It is scientifically proven that the surface of the wings of a bumblebee is too small to fly, but the bumblebee doens\'t know this and she flies\"
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